From The Blue Ridge Mountains
"America's First Frontier"
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This is the Challenger train.  It was borrowed by the City of Kingsport, TN for the 50th Anniversary of the running of the Santa Claus train.  This scene was recorded after Midnight in November.
The Challenger
By Jerry Penley ©1992
Item # EN19
This is the 611 "Bullet" Train.  This photo was taken on this train's last excursion run from Bristol, VA to
Roanoke, VA.  We did not know this at the time.  The speed of the train is about 55 MPH.

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611 Bullet
By Carrie Penley ©1996
Item # EN44

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This scene was recorded at about 8:30 in the morning at Meadowview, VA.
This was the last run of this famous train.
611 Bullet Approaching
By Carrie Penley ©1995
Item # EN101
We were standing on a bridge early in the morning to get this shot.  About five seconds after this scene was shot, we were covered by soot and smoke.  What one has to go through to get a shot sometimes!

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4501 Mikado
By Carrie Penley ©1996
Item # EN140

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This photo was taken in the afternoon on Copper Creek in southwest Virginia.  This trestle is the highest on the CSX line.  It is over 300 feet high.  At this point, the creek empties into Clinch River.
CSX Over Copper Creek
By Jerry Penley ©2001
Item # EN118
This station has been here almost 80 years.  The photo was taken very early in the morning in order to get some shadows on the building and to frame the building with dark limbs and leaves.

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Kingsport, TN. Train Station
By Jerry Penley ©2001
Item # EN172